
Over the last 2 decades, Sub-Saharan Africa has registered a GDP growth of more than 5% (the second highest growing region in the globe). As a result, a middle-class is emerging. African population is very young. In fact 43% of its 1.2 billion inhabitants are under the age of 15. In addition this population is expected to double by 2050. Africa's youth needs access to quality education and training in order to be a real driver of future economic development.

The challenge: African Education is at a Cross-Roads - children are in school but do not learn.

There has never been so many children in schools in Africa. Over the last 2 decades, governments have made access to free primary education a top priority in their agenda. Enrollment rates have more than doubled from about 60 million children in schools in 1990 to nearly 150 million in 2012. However raising enrollments have outpaced upscaling of education quality. The main challenges remain the teaching quality, the poor state of school infrastructure and the lack of technology. In essence, the main education crisis at play today in Africa can be summarized as that of children in schools but with no or little access to quality learning.

AfrikAdemia aims to address these challenges and to provide quality education to Africa’s middle class and low income segment of the population. AfrikAdemia would like to allow aspiring low income and middle class parents to access a child- centered, technology focused and international language intensive schooling solution in Africa. The cornerstone of our innovative models are summarized below. 

AfrikAdemia plans to offer scholarships on a merit basis to children with disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Our pilot school was launched in Nairobi, Kenya. From start, the school offer early years and primary programs. It will expand incrementally into secondary programs.  By the end of the decade, AfrikAdemia aims to have schools in 4 African countries, reach out 8,000 students and employ more than 500 staff. Assuming each employee has on average 4 household dependents, AfrikAdemia will support 2,000 lives indirectly.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us

The video below provides a sneak preview of the fun learning that is taking place in our Nairobi School. 

